
Long Battle by Foes of Campaign Finance Rules Shifts Landscape

Posted by James Bopp, Jr. | Oct 04, 2023 | 0 Comments

Long Battle by Foes of Campaign Finance Rules Shifts Landscape

WASHINGTON:  It was Thanksgiving break of 1998 at Capital University Law School in Ohio, and Senator Mitch McConnell was on the phone for Prof. Bradley Smith.  Mr. McConnell's aides had already approached the conservative law professor about a spot on the Federal Election Commission, but Mr. Smith was hesitant. Now the senator himself was calling, and he was not going to be turned down. Long Battle by Foes of Campaign Finance Rules Shifts Landscape

About the Author

James Bopp, Jr.

Practice Areas: First Amendment Law, Campaign-Finance Law, Constitutional Law, Election Law, Civil Litigation, Appellate Practice, and United States Supreme Court Practice.


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