Latest BLF News:
Victory for The Irish Rover : Appellate Court Affirms Free Speech Rights of Student Journalists
Victory for Indiana Right to Life as Court Bars Enforcement of Laws Prohibiting Corporate Contributions to Super PACs
National Right to Life Files Ninth Circuit Brief to Restore State Authority in Protecting Unborn Life
National Right to Life Seeks Answers Concerning U.S. Army Training Labeling NRLC a Terrorist Group
Victory for Indiana Right to Life in Challenge Against Limits on Contributions to Super PACs
Irish Rover Files Response to Appeal by an Abortion Advocate and Notre Dame Professor Who Filed a Now Dismissed Defamation Suit Against Them
Friend of the Court Brief Supporting Indiana's Abortion Law Filed
GOP 'Super Lawyer' backs Marion County Appeal of Oregon State Hospital Case to 9th Circuit
National Right to Life Files Brief to Strike Down Biden's Abortion Mandate in Hospital Emergency Rooms
Oregon Right to Life Argues for Court to Strike Down Law Requiring it to Fund Abortion
Welcome to The Bopp Law Firm, PC
The Bopp Law Firm, PC was founded by James Bopp, Jr. to provide legal assistance to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, candidates, political parties, and Political Action Committees (“PACs”) navigating the ever-changing fields of Non-Profit Tax Law, PAC Law, Campaign Finance law, Election Law, First Amendment and Constitutional Law, Strategic Planning, and Supreme Court Practice.

Read: What are they saying about Jim Bopp and the Bopp Law Firm?
Founding the Bopp Law Firm in 1992, and practicing law for over 50 years, Jim is dedicated to the advancement of the conservative cause, defending Republican principles, policies, and politics, and defending individual liberties by providing legal advise and litigation services for political campaigns, public policy initiatives and First Amendment rights. During his storied career, Jim has continually proven his prowess in the courtroom by representing clients with vigorous advocacy and expert guidance through a myriad of red-tape, excessive government regulations and politically motivated pressures.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” - Sir Patrick Henry