What are they saying about Jim Bopp and the Bopp Law Firm, PC?
About Jim Bopp
“Nationally prominent.” Lawyers Weekly USA 1/22/2001
“The most prominent lawyer in the country in campaign finance and election law.” ABA Journal, November 2006
“One of the most powerful and influential leaders of corporate America's efforts to dismantle the post-Watergate campaign finance system.” Common Cause, October 15, 2010
In 2013, Jim was honored as one of the 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America by the National Law Journal. “He is a litigation machine, methodically mowing down restrictions on campaign financing and speech.” His strengths: “legal results,” renowned for his or her ability to get results for clients, and for “thought leadership,” known for cutting-edge commentary about legal issues.” National Law Journal, April 8, 2013
“A tenacious litigator.” Common Cause, October 15, 2010
“A very creative, energetic man.” NPR, July 3, 2007
“Absolutely tenacious, a bulldog litigator.” New York Times, January 25, 2010
“Like the Greeks mounting assault after assault on Troy, James Bopp ceaselessly assails federal campaign finance law in an attempt to destroy it.” HuffingtonPost, June 11, 2008
“The pre-eminent election law attorney for conservative groups. He has scored a string of victories challenging restrictions on political activity on First Amendment grounds.” ROLL CALL January 15, 2001
“From his perch outside the capitol beltway, the Indiana lawyer James Bopp Jr. – who brought the lawsuit in the Citizens United case – has proven remarkably aggressive and successful, to the surprise of even some of his conservative colleagues, in posing a series of legal challenges to campaign laws.” New York Times, October 15, 2010
“Even veteran Democratic strategists and campaign lawyers who favor tighter restrictions on political money grudgingly acknowledge the deftness, and increasing success, of their conservative rivals. “They're smart, they're aggressive and they're well-funded. And the results are very troubling.'” New York Times, October 15, 2010
“Jim has always been in the position of making arguments that other people thought were wild-eyed, went too far,” Trevor Potter told me, a little ruefully. “And he's proved them wrong.” The Atlantic, October 2012
“His passion and his talent for creative maneuverings keep bringing the highest-profile matters to his door.” ABA Journal, November 2006
“One thing no one can dispute is Bopp's impressive record in the courts.” Indiana University Alumni Magazine, Fall 2012
“I don't think anybody has a better track record at identifying test cases and investing in them than Jim Bopp.” Bloomberg Businessweek, October 3, 2011